
Luyana Kat

Configure Docker with Windows Terminal & WSL

In linux, it’s much easier to work with docker ‘cause Docker works native on linux. In windows we have to install WSL (Windows Sub System for Linux) which is inconvenient. If you are asking me why not using linux anymore :sad. It’s because i have to play Cyberpunk 2077 in windows :sad. In this post, i will using terminal as Terminal, WSL as backend for Docker and Oh my Posh for customize the Terminal

Working with Sql Server on Archlinux

Just a few simple step to make your linux works with mssql In this post, I will covers how I installed Microsoft SQL Server on Arch Linux. I do this using AUR repositories. Installtion Fist install needed package using Yaymssql-server – this is for the main MS SQL Server installation msodbcsql – this is for connecting to MS SQL Server mssql-tools – these are the command line tools for interacting with MS SQL Server

Improve Audio Quality in Linux

Since a day I became a Wibu, I’ve been listening to Aimer’s music a lot, she’s one of my favorite Japan Singer. But when I change my main OS to Linux, the Audio Quality doesn’t satisfy me ‘cause Linux Drivers don’t support Dolby Audio which available on my Laptop, and I have to find the way to improve the Audio Quality. In this post, i recommended to use PulseEffects(EasyEffects) for Ubuntu(Debian-based) and PulseAudio for Arch(Arch-based)

Just an old post on Spiderum

Liệu chúng ta có thể làm nên điều gì kì tích? Cho dù khả năng của chúng ta chỉ có hạn. Liệu chúng ta có thể trở thành thứ gì đó phi thường? Hơn cả bản chất con người chúng ta. Có lẽ trong cuộc sống này, nhiều người được gọi là thiên tài, họ là những người sinh ra với chỉ số IQ rất cao, những người sinh ra đã mang cho mình một tài năng bẩm sinh, hay trong sinh học chúng ta gọi nó là phản xạ không điều kiện, nhưng ở đây là mức vượt trội.

Create your own Discord Bot

I’ve used Discord since I found Nishiro Fansub, because they usually work and chat in Discord. Since then, it has become the most messaging application of mine. Some of the things that I find personally useful with Discord: It’s Free (fuck nitro) Ease of communication (Instant messaging) Moderated chats (permissions) Text & voice capabilities Chat bots Send file attachments Add friends/colleagues Streaming platform integration Well, enough for intro PreparationFirst, you have to install Nodejs(lastest) because Discord.

Install Flutter on Archlinux

Getting Flutter and Android working together is no small feat. Linux may be a first-class citizen when it comes to developing with Flutter, but setting up Java, Android and the Android tool-chain can be a real hassle. Android Studio is a fully-fledged IDE. If you want to use a different development editor (like Vim or VS Code), Android Studio is only good for eating space on your hard drive.